Monday, January 31, 2022


Unemployment is usually defined as having no work or sometimes a work that does not bring money. Money drives life and buys the requirements without which it is difficult or impossible. But this money ,as the saying goes, does not grow on trees , it is the outcome of hard work and sweat. Unemployment has turned out a serious problem that does not subside rather exceeds with growing future. People suffer due to this problem. Their life is discontent and disturbing. They foil to make two ends meet. what are its causes? what are its consequences? and what are its remedies? these things need to be dealt profoundly so that one can handle with this issue successfully.

the question that pesters every scholar is what is employment actually and can any person really be unemployed. If the above definition is considered that it is having  no work. Do you think anyone can be doing no work? is it possible? no it is not possible. one way or other way, everyone is doing something either bringing money or not. Hence, can we say that no one is unemployed. Can we say all are doing something. yes, but the problem is that the definition of unemployment varies. some believe that one is employed only if he does something and is being remunerated for it in terms of money but there are people who believe that doing something even that does not bring remuneration in terms of money is also employment. In that sense , no one is actually unemployed. No one is jobless. for instance,. a person reads and increases his knowledge. A person serves his old or impaired parents or a person serves his community like the great people who served others like Mother Teresa , like M.K Gandhi or others. Can we call these people unemployed. No they are not. they also do their jobs although not paid in monetary terms.  Even their work is worthier than the jobs bringing millions of rupees. these jobs are worthier than other monetary jobs. Everything can be measured in monetary terms. money can not be a scale to call something employment or unemployment. therefore, in one sense no one is unemployed. No one is jobless. No one is idle and without work. without employment. without job.

If we assume that the concept of employment exists, what can be the causes of this unemployment? there are and may be multiple causes of this concept but due to less scope , we can talk about few of them that are somehow often cited by scholars and intellectuals.

few of the causes are written about below;

1, Illiteracy is the main cause of unemployment. those who , due one reason or another, fail to receive good education fail to attain good jobs in their lives. they are not hired by employers because of having no degrees. Education[not all institutes] prepares people for  various professions which they choose and settle down. But unfortunately those who remain illiterates, they remain unemployed. they want skills and proficiencies that could earn them jobs. 

2, Not all but most of the educational institutes do not emphasize on skill based learning. In this rat race age, skills dominate the world. the skills to operate machines. skills to deal with the world of internet. people lack demanding skills that keeps them behind and they lag behind becoming victims of this grave problem, unemployment. the knowledge that does not equip us to work practically in life is the main reason of unemployment. knowledge from books that is theoretical, does not invite attention in the modern world. we are governed by computer, the machine that has created wonders . those who hold profound knowledge of computers earn by leaps and bounds. these skills can easily earn us a job anywhere in the world or online world offers millions of opportunities where one can earn and survive comfortably. therefore, one reason behind unemployment is the lack of skill based knowledge.

3, Underdevelopment : Underdeveloped countries are not in a position to generate as many jobs as necessary. their employment- generating- resources are not enough. people of that country do not have jobs due to the poor performance of the country. Matters are messed up when people are qualified for different jobs but jobs are not available for them. some , having resources, fly to foreign countries and try their lots there but majority suffer under such governments and remain unemployed life long. such countries are often seen bankrupt and the brains from such countries  go abroad and work there instead. these countries become poor not only economically but intellectually as well. 


1,suicides: Unemployment directly results in huge number of suicides. People who don`t have jobs to make their lives easy end up  committing suicides. If suicide rate is to be receded, more and more employment is to be generated. life is not an easy entity. if one fails to manage the necessities of life, he or she will , after being disappointed and alienated, end his or her life. Numberless people die every year due to committing suicides. 

2, poverty: If people of the country are jobless, they will not contribute to the GNP and GDP of the country making it poor and underdeveloped.  the standard of life is also poor . unemployment results in poverty. employment of the people reduces the poverty of one`s country and unemployment increases it to extremes.

3, Drug Addiction: unemployment leads to drug addiction. unemployed youth resort to various drugs that distracts them from the sorrows of life. After meeting disappointment everywhere, failing to begin any business, they indulge in crimes like drugs, thefts, burglary , hooliganism etc.


1, small business units should be opened in which less skilled and less experienced people can work and earn their livelihood. common masses should be engaged in small business so that these people do not indulge in various heinous crimes. Different training programs should be launched in which people can be trained to work in the small firms and industries.

2, modification of educational system: Educational systems should be directed to stress on skill based education that can prepare students for various professions. such skilled students can easily get jobs after finishing their studies. 

3, Government should offer business loans to people so that they can establish their own business units. this process will recede unemployment to greater extent. people will become self reliant and country`s development will increase at greater rate.

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