Fate and free will are the most debated concepts. Fate dominates humans. Free will lands us into various troubles because the decisions and determinations are circumstantial and situational. Having choice could ameliorate the matters of humans but one is bound to cut ones coat according to cloth.
Who knows truth is so bitter? It is not always pleasing . One needs gallons of fortitude to know truth and be satisfied over it. The tale of Oedipus is pathetic and pitiable. Above, it has been justified that fates played a huge part in the devastation of the protagonist . Here in this portion, i will quote references from the text and argue how only fate is not responsible for his doom. His free will equally played its part in ruining the peaceful life of the Oedipus. It is paradoxical that Oedipus while struggling not to be the victim of prophecy of Oracle actually headed to fulfill it. He left Polybus and Merope resolute to change prophecies but it is here that he committed a blunder out of his own free will. He could have easily freed himself from the clutches of fates by not trying to change them. Staying where he was was an opportunity for him to protect himself. The moment he left Polybus and Merope, his doom started ruining him. He did not stop here only. He stubbornly wanted to know the cause of plague in Thebes. Here he is himself responsible for his destruction. Being ambitious turned out to be his tragic flaw that drowned him completely. He was even advised by Jocasta not to dig up buried truths but he did not stop. After knowing whole reality, he severely punished himself. He could easily stop himself and not add to his ruin but he stepped ahead unwisely and left no stone unturned to destroy himself. Here he , out of free will, took wrong decisions and paid the price.
In summation, it can be argued that this tragedy bases itself both on fate and free will. Fates were unchangeable for Oedipus but he misapplied his free will as well. In both ways , Oedipus suffered, he suffered till end.
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