Wednesday, February 2, 2022



The question that everyone asks but not everyone answers is what is happy life? This question can be answered in multiple ways making multiple things as the hinges of happiness. I will discuss few of the things which , if acted upon, can make your life happy and peaceful. 

1, Contentment: The fundamental of happiness is to be content over little things. Enjoying and extracting joy from small things has been a practice of happiest people. Life does not offer you everything that you ask for. You can not have everything that you seek . But being content with what life gives you can minimize the pain of not having everything. Thanking and showing gratitude over small achievements invites more satisfaction and joy. There really is no other way to be happy and over ambitious simultaneously. Being overambitious and desirous keeps you restless. You work day and night for realizing your dreams and finally you end up being desperate and stressed. Those who seek more , they attain less peace and joy. Struggling hard is not always good.

As the saying goes that one should compare oneself to those who are inferior to him\her in rank and status. It grants joy of having privilege over others. Joy of having more than others. Joy of being superior to others in certain respects. It curtails competition and lets people have a breath of ecstasy. Although, it is good to seek more and compete to those who surpass you but it should not cost you your happiness and peace. It should not disturb your life. It should not pour stress and anxiety in your life. Therefore, contentment is the principle of happy life. One can opt for gratitude over little things and taste the sweetness of joy and peace.

2, Friendship and a loving family: Friends contribute aboundingly to the happy life. As has been proved  that friendless people are sadder than others. They have none to speak to and unburden themselves off the worries of life. One can live a happy life if he accompanies good friends who help him in difficulties . 

Joy is proportionate to friendship. Good friendship means happier life. Friends take you away from the sorrows of  life . One exchanges his pains candidly to friends and feels relaxed. Friends listen to your worries and offer solutions that are poured out out of love ,care and concern. 

It is a great blessing in the modern times to have a loving family. The love and care of family brings happiness. A person who has loving parents, brothers and sisters can doubly be happier than those who want loving families. Asking of parents about your life is a great comfort. When father asks how are things going on in your life, it opens up the treasure of happiness. Everyone loves to be loved and cared. This love and care ensues joy and peace in ones life.

3, Religion: Religion is the core of happy life. It teaches the transitoriness of the world and its worries. It teaches that there is a savior , lord, who loves you and never wants you to be unhappy and sad. People find peace in religion, in praying to God and seeking solutions for your problems. It answers your intricate questions of not attaining this and that. You learn that God knows better than you what is good for you. He gives you what is good for you and holds back what is harmful for you. Through religion you learn being satisfied over whatever life offers you. You learn being patient and not despair for what you do not obtain in your life. If you want to live a happy life, you need to have faith in lord and be grateful to him for everything you have and you don`t have.

4. Be self confident: The basic sadness descends on you because of feeling unfit and diffident. Feeling little in the company of others throttles happiness. Create your own world of thoughts, ideas and emotions and stick to them. Respect your ideas. they are worthy . They weigh heavy. Do not be crushed over by the dominating and domineering ideas of others. Create your own confidence. Keep people in check while commenting on your life. Self confidence resolves various of your issues. 


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Suggestion@FidaFriend....
    Be Happy dude ❤️



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